Tuesday, September 2, 2014

After watching the video, I learned that sound travels in waves. Sound can be measured in  decibels and hertz. I learned in the video that if there is a bad word in a song you can reverse it and it cuts the bad word out.

After watching the Today video I learned a lot. One of the things I learned is that once you loose your hearing there is nothing you can do to get it back its gone forever. The video was about a guy who had started to loose his hearing and he had to get permanent hearing aids. It showed the challenges of hearing loss and how to prevent it. After watching this video I know that I need to turn down my volume because loosing your hearing could ruin your life.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Hey its Dillon here. Today in Multimedia Applications were are learning how to use iPhoto. Watching tutorial videos helps out because its not just telling you what to do, its showing you. One if the things we have learned is importing pictures from our computer and a digital cameras. Once you have your pictures on you can create photo albums to organize your pictures. If you have a lot of pictures, you can name albums according to the pictures inside to stay organized.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The free use photo site I used was Flickr 


"Thank you for supporting free use! 
The photos in this group are available for use by anyone. There is no need to give credit or to fear rights infringement. These images are posted by their creators. By posting to this group, you're allowing freedom of use. We believ3 in honesty and freedom. Post your pictures here if you'd like to help set great images free for presentations, re-interpretation and connecting with others. It's kind to contact the creator if you have the time."

I thought it was interesting that they said they believe in honesty and freedom and they spelled believe with a 3 for an e. They made it really clear that it was not copyrighted and that anyone could use it.

The video was made to let people know that Creative Commons is used like the opposite of Copyright.